
Friday, November 5, 2010

Booster update 11/5/2010

Hi Everyone,

Here are the latest updates regarding 6th Grade Activities:  All info will updated on the website as well.

T-Shirts:  Hopefully you have received the order form for the 6th Grade t-shirts that went out this week.  The cost is $5 per shirt.  There was also a list of student's name sent to each of the teachers to verify nicknames and spelling.  The order forms are due back on Nov. 10th.  Please make the check payable to Enders 6th Grade.  

Camp Sponsors letter: Did you know that you or your child can fill out a form to send out to potential sponsors and help cut the cost of camp?  You can send it out to relatives, friends, and businesses asking them to sponsor your child to camp.  It's really easy.  Once the school receives the funds, we will credit your child's camp cost account and the teacher will be notified.  We will also send home a thank you letter letting you know that your child has received funds for camp.  All donated funds must be received by Jan. 3rd.  Please see previous post for a copy of the letter to print out. 

Yeabook: If you have any photos that you would like to share and have added to the yearbook, we would love to include them.  If they are digital photos(jpg format), that will be helpful.  However if you have actual photos, we can scan the photos and return them back to you.  Be sure to label it with your child's name and room number on the back of the photo.  We will promptly return it to you right away.  We are also looking for Kindergarten student photos of each student.  Please be sure to label them the same way with the student's name and room number.

Next Fundraiser Event is Movie Night on Thurs. Dec. 2nd The movie will be Toy Story 3 !  The PTA will be hosting and we will be having a concession stand.  We will need students and parents volunteers for the event.  We will be selling hot dogs, nachos, popcorn and candy.  The shifts will be from 5:30-6:30, 6:30-7:30 and 7:30-8:30.  We are looking for 5 student volunteers and  4 parent volunteers per shift. Please reply back if you are interested in helping out.  Thank you for donating your time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or call 714-222-0181.

Thank you,

Alice, Sam and Wendy